Wildwood Retreat Center, Guerneville, CA

Wildwood is a sanctuary created and sustained by gay men for healing, transformation and spiritual growth.

The Wildwood community will:

-be a safe and sustainable oasis for all of the diverse members of the LGBT Community and any individual or group in agreement with our values;
welcome individuals of all ages, sexual and ethnic identities and levels of mobility;
-facilitate the expression of love, intimacy and the integration of mind, body and spirit;
-provide an environment for connecting with nature, with spirit and with each other;
-demonstrate by example the promotion of positive change in the world.

Benefits & Activities:

  • Hot tub
  • Hiking trails
  • 210 acres of redwood forest
  • Events

Meals: Fresh, healthy meals when guests are present. Access to leftovers and kitchen at other times.
Housing: On property
Seasons: Year round
Positions: Paid & work exchange available

  • Kitchen
  • Cleaning
  • Event set up
  • Gardening
  • Maintenance/ construction

Apply: email résumé and letter of interest
Contact: hiringmanager@wildwoodfoundation.org

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